September Missions Emphasis
The Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering is received each September to help fund the work of missions in the state of Alabama. This offering helps with efforts in Church Planting, Church Revitalization, Disaster Relief, Global Partnerships, and the Alabama WMU. Please pray about how God would lead you to give through this special offering.
Demopolis Food Pantry
The Demopolis Food Pantry is a joint ministry of the churches in our city, working together to help those in need of food.
Each month we ask our church family to donate a specific food item that we give to the Food Pantry. Your donations can be brought by the church office anytime during normal office hours. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Operation Christmas Child
For many years, we have been committed to helping send the love of Jesus around the world through Operation Christmas Child. In 2018, our goal is to send 400 boxes. It costs $9 to ship one shoe box, so the total cost for shipping will be $3600.
Shoebox Items Needed:
Socks, Notebooks, scissors, hair brushes, stuffed animals, hair bows, barrettes, beads, bracelets, and underwear for boys and girls (sizes 4 to 14).