Next Steps Class- Sunday, April 28th @ 12:15 pm

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Are you ready to take your “next step” at FBC? Whether you have recently joined our church, or you are considering membership, we want to help you take your next step by attending our next steps class. After lunch, our staff will give you helpful information about our church. These are the topics of discussion:

  • A Brief History of First Baptist Church

  • A Summary of our Doctrine & Beliefs

  • What It Means to be Southern Baptist

  • Our Mission & Vision Here at First Baptist Church

  • The Ministries of our Church and How You Can Be Involved

  • Expectations of Membership at FBC 

Lunch will be served at 12:15 pm in our fellowship hall, immediately after our morning worship service. Childcare will be provided for the younger children. We will dismiss around 2 pm. Please register by filling out and submitting the information below. PLEASE REGISTER BY MONDAY, APRIL 22nd. We hope to see you there!